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New HoMER Podcast Series: Episode 1

The HoMER podcast is an opportunity for HoMERites to hear from members of the research group about their current research, their experiences of cinemagoing and all matters regarding exhibition and reception. Each month, there will be new interviews with HoMERites from around the world discussing their work. In episode 1, Pete Turner has conversations with […]

HoMER Webinar: Memories as Transnational Practices: Interviewing Latin American Women about Cinema-Going during a Pandemic

The next HoMER webinar will take place on Monday 14 September, 5pm (UK time). Our speaker will be Dalila Missero (Oxford Brookes University), who will present on ‘Memories as transnational practices: interviewing Latin American women about cinema-going during a pandemic’ Please register for this event here: https://durhamuniversity.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYvfuCgqjwvGtIQhKVgG8cXcNS6lcMwtlFi After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing […]

HoMER Webinar: Cinema-Going and the 1918 Flu Pandemic

This panel brings together three historians whose research looks at the impact of the 1918 flu pandemic on cinema-going habits and the operation of cinemas in different national contexts. They will consider the response of cinema exhibitors, how the pandemic was reported in the trade press and the ways that audiences adapted to this crisis. […]

HoMER Webinar

Date: Monday 3 August, 5pm (UK time) Speaker: Lior Tibet (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Title: The Irish Film Society and German cinema, 1936-1945 Please use the following link to register for this event: https://durhamuniversity.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMvfuirrT4jH9d5TaGTkE93UtKyALPndZCo After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Abstract: This paper will look at the […]

HoMER Webinar

Speaker: Paul Moore (Ryerson University) Title: ‘When did “Starts Friday!” start? The shift to standardized movie opening days in North America’. Time: Monday 6 July, 5pm (UK time) Please register for this event here: https://durhamuniversity.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEucu2prD4pH9XXwMICmUsZRkPTMO91j9_E After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting via Zoom. The speaker will present […]

HoMER Webinar

The COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted the normal ways in which cinema historians share and disseminate their research. This webinar, organised in collaboration with the History of Moviegoing, Exhibition and Reception (HoMER) Network is designed for cinema historians to share their research and discuss current debates in the field. These free events will take place via […]

HoMER 2020 Postponed

With great sadness, the HoMER 2020 organizing committee has decided to postpone this year’s conference. This decision is made in the light of increasing restrictions to international travel and the closing of educational institutions in Ireland in response to the COVID-19 crisis. We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused. We hope to run the […]

HoMER 2020 CfP – Maynooth University 25-27 May 2020 – EXTENDED DEADLINE

HoMER 2020 CfP, Dublin, 25–27 May 2020 Hosted by Maynooth University CfP – Integrating Traditions  Extended deadline for proposals, 29 November 2019 Letters of acceptance/rejection, 8 January 2020   Keynote Speakers: Professor Shelley Stamp (Film + Digital Media, University of California, Santa Cruz) Professor Joao Luiz Vieira (Cinema and Audiovisual Studies, Universidade Federal Fluminese, Niterói)  […]