Is your research related to the history of moviegoing, exhibition and reception? Please join the Network! It is easy:
1. Please read our ‘About‘ section and make sure that you share the Network’s goals.
2. Sign up for the mailing list: This is the main means of communication for the Network. You can post directly to the mailing list, but please keep it strictly for relevant announcements.
3. Put your project on the map! Please answer these questions so that your project can be added to the ‘Digital Homer‘ directory. This information is updated by one of the coordinators, so it may take a few days.
If you have a project that is already listed, and you want to update the information, please fill out this form and add ‘UPDATE’ to the title.
Please note: The HoMER Network does not have a formal membership or fees. The mailing list and project directory represent the extent of the Network. Therefore, you need to join the mailing list before your project can be listed.