Cinematic Brno research project focuses on a local film culture in the second largest city of the Czech Republic, Brno, in the period of 1918-1945. At the core of the project stands the institution of movie theatre as a point of intersection of films and its audiences, but also as a city cultural institution. Brno movie theaters we consider as on the one hand a display windows of cinema market, on the other as a mirrors of audience preferences and site importantly influencing film experience, to reveal local exhibition strategies (how do local entrepreneurs “handled” with distribution offer, etc.) and the role which movie theatre and film played in the everyday life of Brno citizens. To explore Brno film culture is a challenge in many ways, mainly in the sense of rethinking the main aspects of film culture from the perspective of tension between the centre (Prague capital) and region (Brno), citizen-spectator majorities (Czechs) and minorities (strong German minority), hierarchies of distribution circuits, etc.