HOMER Network Logo


The HoMER Network is an international network of researchers engaged in examining the phenomena of cinema-going, exhibition, and reception, from international and multidisciplinary perspectives. It aims to promote understanding of these phenomena through several means, including:

  • The collection, scholarly vetting, and sharing of new data on film going, exhibition, and reception;
  • The creation of a portal website that brings these new datasets together and, ideally, makes them cross-searchable;
  • The dissemination of new models of collaborative research in the humanities that engage academic staff and graduate and undergraduate students in long-term projects, and the development of new ways to incorporate such research into cinema studies and cultural history classrooms;
  • Support for a variety of means of publishing research findings, with particular focus on the electronic publication of working papers, works in progress, and unconventionally formatted works not readily publishable on paper.
  • The Network is open to anyone whose research is concerned with the history of cinemagoing, exhibition, and reception. The Network has no requirements in regard to institutional affiliation, nationality, residence, career stage or academic status. There is no membership fee.
  • In order to join the Network, an applicant must join the mailing list. This list doubles as a membership list
  • The Network has no less than two and no more than four co-ordinators.
  • Each co-ordinator will be replaced or re-instated every two years at a General Meeting, or alternatively via online discussion in which new candidates are proposed and seconded.
  • A co-ordinator may not serve more than two terms.
  • The co-ordination team will aim to reflect the international, multidisciplinary and diverse nature of the Network.
  • The co-ordinators will manage the mailing list and inform the members about upcoming events and other matters that concern the network.
  • The co-ordinators will be responsible for managing the Network’s online voting procedure and online discussion.
  • The co-ordinators will be responsible for organizing the Network’s General Meetings, keeping and records of General Meetings and making these records available to members, and implementing decisions taken at General Meetings.
  • The coordinators will be supported by a consultative committee and by ad-hoc working groups. Conferences and events will be organised by separate working groups supported by the coordinators and the conference committee.
  • Any member of HoMER can volunteer for the working groups, which can be established at the General Meeting, or alternatively via online discussion.
  • The Network will aim to partner with institutions and organisations to organise conferences, meetings, workshops, and events in pursuit of its aims. The Network will also aim to establish its presence within larger networks, conferences and associations by programming strands or forming interest groups when appropriate.
  • Any member can propose a HoMER event at the General Meeting or through the mailing list. In case a member wants to organise a HoMER event apart from the Annual Conference, a
    request should be send to the HoMER coordinators who will decide on the appropriateness. If in doubt, the coordinators might circulate the proposal onto the mailing list to all other members.
  • For any event in which the Network is a partner, an ad-hoc conference/event committee will be formed; such a committee will include members of the Network co-ordination team and members at the institution hosting the event.
  • The Network will aim to have an Annual General Meeting, where organisational matters can be discussed, at an event in which it is a partner.
  • The Network’s involvement in conferences, meetings and workshops must not entail a financial commitment on the part of the Network
  • Because of its membership policy, the Network cannot issue official endorsements to individuals or groups.