Circuits of Cinema Preliminary Schedule
A HoMER Network Conference Hosted by the Circuits of Cinema Project Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada 22 to 24 June 2017 (Thursday to Saturday) Pre-Conference 21 June 2017: Mapping Movies “data-sharing” workshop We are planning to host 115 presentations by 124 authors or co-authors of research on movie and other media distribution, from all eras and […]
CFP: Circuits of Cinema
We are pleased to publish the Call for Papers for the next HoMER event, hosted by the Circuits of Cinema Project at Ryerson University. Please share widely! Download Circuits of Cinema CFP Circuits of Cinema: Histories of Movie and Media Distribution A HoMER Network Conference Hosted by the Circuits of Cinema Project Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada […]
New coordinators
Dear colleagues and friends, As announced at the HoMER General Meeting in Potsdam, July 2016, Lies Van de Vijver and myself (Maria Velez-Serna) are passing on the baton as coordinators of the HoMER Network. It has been a real privilege and pleasure to work with this extraordinary community, and we thank you all for the […]
HoMER @ NECS 2016 ::: Programme
The full programme for this year’s conference of the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies is now available, including thirteen HoMER panels. Please visit the conference homepage for further information about the event, pre-conferences, location, and so on. The HoMER strand within the conference was selected and programmed by our own committee and advisory […]
Call for Papers: Connectivity in the History of Moviegoing, Exhibition and Reception
HoMER@NECS Conference 2016, Potsdam, Germany, 26–30 July 2016 Hosted by ZeM – Brandenburgisches Zentrum für Medienwissenschaften (Brandenburg Center for Media Studies), Potsdam, Germany Deadline for proposals: 31 January 2016 Following two consecutive joint conferences in Prague (2013) and Milan (2014), HoMER is teaming up with NECS again to offer a strand of panels at the […]
Scholarships at Brandenburg Center for Media Studies
(Posted on behalf of Dr. Annemone Ligensa) The Brandenburg Center for Media Studies (Brandenburgisches Zentrum für Medienwissenschaften, ZeM), in Potsdam, Germany, is inviting submissions for three doctoral scholarships and one post-doctoral scholarship, beginning October 1, 2015. The proposed projects must be clearly related to one or more of the following research fields: a) media aesthetics […]
‘What is Cinema History?’ Programme and Welcome
The HoMER Network and the Early Cinema in Scotland project are proud to present ‘What is Cinema History?’, an international conference taking place in Glasgow, 22-24 June 2015. The full programme is now available here. For the convenience of delegates, the map below indicates the conference venues and some nearby amenities. We hope your travel […]
‘What is Cinema History’ Draft programme available
The Early Cinema in Scotland research project and the HoMER Network conference committee are pleased to present the draft programme for the forthcoming conference, ‘What is Cinema History?’, June 22-24, 2015. Download PDF: What is Cinema History Programme Draft Registration for the conference is open until 15 May. Online registration form Further details about social […]
‘What is Cinema History?’ Registration open
Registration is now open for the next HoMER conference, hosted by the Early Cinema in Scotland research project, which will take place at Glasgow, 22-24 June 2015. Please click on the banner to go to the online form. The draft programme will be posted here soon.
Call for Papers: What is Cinema History?
CFP: WHAT IS CINEMA HISTORY? A HoMER Network conference presented by the Early Cinema in Scotland research project call for papers University of Glasgow 22-24 June, 2015 Over the last three decades, our understanding of cinema as a historical phenomenon has been subject to a series of ‘turns’ – empirical, spatial, and computational, […]